reaching the world for Jesus!
In our fellowship we believe in making Disciples and launching churches!!
So far we have 3 Churches out in the mission field!!
January 2021
Kerrville, Tx
Going into Kerrville, Tx out of Uvalde, Tx Victor and Julissa Reyes. Here we have our very first church that we launched out. We are praying for this couple and trusting God for this city.
Came home for redirection Jan. 2023
January 2022
Carrizo Springs, Tx
Going into Carrizo Springs, Tx out of Uvalde, Tx Frank & Naomi Martinez. At the beginning of 2022 we sent out our second domestic church, to Carrizo Springs to do the will of God, help us pray for this couple and continue to pray for this city.
Came home for redirection July
January 2022
Cuidad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico
Going into Cuidad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Mexico out of Uvalde, TX Elias & Moonbeam Rocha. We are proud to launch out this couple and excited because this is our FIRST International church. and we are excited to see what God will do in this nation.